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Helen Kelley Patchworks

Quiltmaker, Teacher, Lecturer, Designer, Author, Judge

Updating or Downdating?

Dear Friends, My daughter (who manages this web page for me) told me that it’s time to update it again. I’ve been doing so much up-dating lately that my mind has shut down and I am now down-dating.

That’s the wonderful thing about quilts, though, the fact that they can be updated. Even when they are bound off, and done, they can be updated. You can always quilt it a little more, add a little touch of embroidery to balance the color, or add an appliqué patch to cover the boo-boo you hoped would disappear but didn’t.

What are you working on right now?

Helen's Canadian Postcard PiecesDear Friends, I’m working on my Canadian postcard quilt. It will be the 23rd in the series of 24. It’s a collage of several wonderful Canadian experiences. It took me forever to get to it because I couldn’t find the right starry sky with northern lights. I finally found it in a heap of rags in a discount store. You can see some more of my postcard quilts in my gallery. Just click on "My Gallery" in the list on the right.

Are You a Morning Person?

I was on television yesterday. I do enjoy hearing from people who saw me. But I am amazed at how many great quilters watch TV at 8:30 in the morning. I thought all quilters stitched all night and slept late.


Helen KelleyDear Friends, You all know how much you mean to me. I’m so glad to be able to share this page with you. So grab a cup of coffee. Make yourself at home. And Enjoy! …Helen

Beyond this point…

My weblog entries end here. What follows are the pieces that make up my Gallery. It seems a bit like my stash closet. You are welcome to continue beyond this point, if you don’t mind the clutter.

16 – Florida

Florida Postcard Quilt

January, 2000 – Florida – New Years was welcomed with fireworks at this well-known spot in Florida. The quilting swirls among the stars.

15 – France

France Postcard Quilt

September, 1999 – France – This cafe is found in the town Yvoire. In the background you can see the ancient town wall. The first, and most useless phrase that is taught to a beginning French student in America is about “my aunt” and “her pen which is on the table.” Notice that the “aunt” on this quilt has a pen on the table in front of her.


14 – Switzerland

Switzerland Postcard Quilt

September, 1999 – Switzerland – The houses in the Swiss Alps are lavishly trimmed in red geraniums. Behind, in the flawless, crystal mountain air, the sun breaks into a star pattern. The corners are trimmed with Edelweiss, that delicate flower that blooms in the high mountains in early spring.


13 – Ireland

Ireland Postcard Quilt

November, 1984 – Ireland – The streets of Dublin are lined with Georgian homes, each with it’s bright colored door and brass knocker. The basement kitchen area at the front of each home, is fenced with ornamental iron. You can see the park across the street, that private, outdoor green space that gives relief in an area where buildings come down to the edges of the sidewalks. At the top, quilted smoke curls from the chimney pots.


12 – Wales

Wales Postcard Quilt

May, 1998 – Wales – In the Church of All Saints’ in the little town of Gresford in Wales, you can find three of the strange, pagan faces of The Green Man that were carved there by ancient church builders. The face that is framed in the leaves at the top of this quilt can found carved into the pedestal in The Lady’s Chapel. Dark, ancient yew trees surround church.


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