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Helen Kelley Patchworks

Quiltmaker, Teacher, Lecturer, Designer, Author, Judge

I resolve…

…that in 2005 I will make my great grandson, Connor, his birth present, his special Grandma Kelley quilt. Connor is now three, which means I have been putting this off for almost four years. But the inspiration has been shaping in my head. In 2005, I will get it done.

What do you think?

Dear Friends, this diary and chat with you has been an experiment. For four months, I have had the opportunity to "visit" with you often through this web journal. I’ve been thrilled to hear from many of you, in return. As with any quilt, however, there comes a time to stand back and look at the result. Is it right? Does it need a tweak or two? Please tell me what you think.

Holiday Blessings

Dear Friends, It takes many stitches to make a quilt.  But it starts with just one.  It takes many steps to make a peaceful, joyful world.  Let it start with yours.  Our family wishes you the blessings of this holiday season.

God Jul

Tn_elvesinset Our family always gathers here on Christmas Eve.  We celebrate with Norwegian rice pudding sweetened with brown sugar and raspberries.  Some years ago, I was given a lovely quilt top, a red and green Prince’s Feather. I spread it on the table for a table cloth and cover it with a sheet of clear plastic.  It’s a perfect setting for the candles and greens and rice pudding.

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

PinetreeIt’s time that I turned on the Christmas tree. Actually, it stands behind the door 365 days of the year. It took me 55 years to figure out that Bill hates to put up the tree, and so now, we never take it down. I made a fringey, quilted skirt for it and when I plug it in, it springs to life, all glittery and bright, ready for the season.  Just a bit of dusting is required.

Lost in the Mail

Not only have I been losing my mind, I have been losing my correspondence, both snail mail and e-mail.  I got a lovely note from a quilter who is going to Austria and before I could reply, it disappeared under something or over something.  It is gone!  Gone!  Gone.  I had a note on this page from a nifty gal who wants to begin making creative quilts.  It has vanished from the page.  Please, friends, know that I answer every note IF I know where it is, which in these cases, I don’t.

Please be patient with me, and if you know anyone who has written and I haven’t replied, ask them to write again.

Some day my life will be sane again.  Until then, I know you will understand.

Windows Madness


Dear Friends, Bill and I have been having a great adventure.  For two months, we have been putting in new windows in our house.  The window units have arrived damaged.  None of the curtains that I ordered fit the spaces.  After two months, we have no full windows and the bedroom panes are covered with wrapping paper to give us some privacy.  This madness is why I am working so feverishly on my post card quilts.  I am hiding in my workroom.

Dressing for the Holidays

One of my friends just told me that she found a beautiful velvet and gold Christmas tree skirt.  I’m working on my own for under my own tree.  Hers came from Marshall Fields. Mine came from Wal-Mart, which suits me just fine.  I’m easy to please.  I’d rather spend my money on the things that matter.  Like fabric.

It’s Done!

Canada_pc_front_3IT’S DONE!  The Canada Post Card quilt is done.

Years ago I planned 24 post card quilts.   Canada was #23.   As you know, I’m a compulsive finisher.  So, I am ready to plunge into #24 right now. 


But, I’m making myself take a one-day holiday, just to clear my head.  Then I will begin on South Dakota.

Thank You


For straight seams, corners that match, mistakes that don’t show.  For the feel and smell of new fabric and the pleasure of new combinations.  For the connection I feel to quilters and quilts from faraway times and places.  For the blessing of warm hands, warm hearts, warm homes, dear friends, loving family. Thank you.

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