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Helen Kelley Patchworks

Quiltmaker, Teacher, Lecturer, Designer, Author, Judge

My Quilt Galleries – Scroll Down …

There’s nothing that beats the pleasure we feel when we have clipped off the last thread end, and our very own quilt, child of our heart, is finished.

Grandma Kelley Quilts

These five quilts were made to celebrate my grandchildren’s births. Each quilt was an adventure in learning about an artistic tradition. Click Here To See…

Great-Grandma Kelley Quilts

Not long after I had finished the last of the set of my special quilts for our five grandchildren, I was presented with the first of our greatgrandchildren. More Grandma Kelley quilts, each a portrait of the child! Click Here To See…

For My Family

Each of these quilts was inspired by someone in my family. Click Here To See…

Wish You Were Here – Postcards From Near and Far

As I have traveled the world, I have collected postcards in a quiltmakers fashion, with fabric and stitches. Each of these 35×50 “postcard quilts” is a memory of a place I have visited. Twenty-four in all, from Holland to New Zealand to Canada to Florida and more. Perhaps you will recognize a favorite place of yours in these images.Click Here and Scroll Down To See (1-8)
or Click Here and Scroll Down To See (9-16)…
or Click Here and Scroll Down To See (17-24)